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1. Pre sales service refers to the services provided to customers before the sale of a product, such as providing various technical consultations, conducting surveys, designs, product introductions, guidance services, quick quotes, easy contact, etc., to stimulate customers' purchasing desire and strengthen their purchasing motivation.
2. In sales service refers to the services provided during the sales process of a product, such as warm reception, carefully selecting products for customers, answering various doubts raised by consumers about the product, demonstrating operation and use, etc., in order to influence customers' psychological feelings, enhance trust, and facilitate transactions.
3. After sales service refers to the services provided to consumers after the product is sold, such as home delivery, installation, debugging, maintenance guarantee, technical training, providing credit, regular maintenance, guaranteed replacement, implementing the "three guarantees", providing accessories according to the contract, etc., to ensure the full value of the purchased goods for customers, relieve worries, improve satisfaction, and promote repeat purchases.